Mr Harpal Uppal, our hand surgeon, offers a dedicated service to patients with hand and wrist conditions. He treats patients with fractures, wounds, damaged ligaments, arthritis and sports injuries. Common hand problems are managed in a clinical setting without the need for surgery offering steroid injections, collagenase therapy and specialist hand physiotherapy. Mr Harpal Uppal offers a wide range of wrist and hand surgery including keyhole surgery, joint replacement, carpal tunnel decompression, trigger finger surgery, as well as tendon and ligament reconstruction.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
De Quervains Tendinosis
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Scaphoid and Carpal Bone Fractures
Thumb Fractures
Finger Fractures
Wrist Ganglions
Finger Ganglions (Mucous Cysts)
Kienbock’s Disease
Ligament Injuries and sprains:
Skiers Thumb and ligament ruptures
Wrist Ligament Injuries including
Scapholunate Ligament Injury
Mallet Finger
Nerve Injuries:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome of the Wrist/Guyons
Hand and Wrist Arthritis
Tendon Injuries:
Flexor Tendon Injury
Boutonniere Deformity
Trigger Finger/Thumb
De Quervain’s Tendinosis
Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) injuries
Scapholunate Ligament Repair
Carpal Tunnel Decompression
Thumb Denervation
Ulnar Nerve Anterior Transposition
Cubital Tunnel Release
De Quervain’s Release
Dupuytren’s Fasciectomy including skin grafts
Wrist Ganglion Removal
Finger Ganglion Removal
Thumb Joint Replacement
Wrist Ligament Reconstruction
Steroid Injections
Tendon Repair
Total Excision of Trapezium and Ligament Reconstruction